Earthworks Manual - Specific technical developments - 2A - Materials

2A - Materials
The optimal utilisation of materials, locally available on the site, of a road project is today a priority, both from an economic objective and an environmental objective contributing to sustainable development.
Consequently, the
identification and knowledge of the resources that materials constitute,
are fundamental and require in-depth and high-performance studies.
materials used in the construction of earth-structures of a road
infrastructure come from various sources. We mainly distinguish:
- natural materials, soils or rocks, available locally on the road project site: cuttings or borrowings; or where applicable, when necessary, borrow pits or quarries (materials most often transformed by mechanical processing operations: screening, crushing, ...).
- marginal natural materials, when a methodology for using these materials may be appropriate for optimal use.
- possibly, alternative materials when available close to the project: industrial by-products, non-hazardous waste, etc… the use of which may be of significant environmental interest.
The different types of materials that constitute resources for an economic infrastructure project are presented in 3 booklets that can be downloaded from this page:
- 2A.I Natural materials soils and rocks,
- 2A.II Case of marginal materials,
- 2A.III Alternative materials.
PART 1 - General considerations
PART 2 - Specific technical development
2A / Materials
2B / Treatment of materials
2C / Earthworks project
2D / Earthworks execution and controls
2E / Environmental aspects
Information sheet
- Date: 2021
- Author(s): Comité technique / Technical Committee / Comité Técnico D.4 Terrassements et routes non revêtues / Earthworks and Unpaved Roads / Obras de tierra y caminos no pavimentados
- Domain(s): Road Earthworks
- Type: 2A - Materials
- PIARC Ref.: 2021R02AEN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-642-0
- Number of pages: 5